Jun 30, 2011

The Pug Snores On

I am a teacher because I get my summers off.  Duh, that's why we all do it.  That and the awesomely huge paycheck.  Good thing I don't have anywhere to be in the mornings right now, because I think the heat is making Daisy snore even worse, leading to less sleep for me. 

I'd like to blame my lack of running on her, however, I am just lazy.   Time to go float in the pool and soak up the sun!!!!! 

Jun 29, 2011

In the beginning.....

I often wonder what the first animals created were.  I could go all biblical and search and research, but who has time to do that when there are m&m's laying around to be eaten?  I like to think that pugs were here first.  What do you think?  Ponder that while I try and figure out what blogger is and how this thing called blogging works.... 
What are you snortin' at?